Decrease administration time and increase customer satisfaction by using TeamSideline’s tournament management software. Register Teams, Create Schedules, and Communicate all with TeamSideline's powerful Tournament Management system.

- Get all the info you need with easy to set up custom registration
- Forget manual entry! Teams can register and pay online
- Never miss a beat, use our robust report options for an easy way to keep track

- Save time by creating Pool Play games and Brackets in seconds!
- Easily score games on your phone or computer
- You have options! You can have standalone Pool Play teams and Brackets or you can combine them
- You are in charge! You decide what shows with Custom Standings
- We offer Brackets options such as Single Elimination, Double Elimination, 3 Game Guarantee, and Best Match.

- TeamSideline automatically builds contact lists so you can easily blast out emails to participants!
- In a hurry? Include a text with your email blast.
- Save time with options to pre-build custom Communication templates